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Liam Byrne MP
May 10, 2021
Liam writes to Prime Minister after brutality at Al Asqa Mosque
I wrote to the Prime Minister after watching the brutality aimed at Palestinian worshippers at the Al Asqa Mosque. Amongst other things I...
Liam Byrne MP
May 10, 2021
Straight back to work
If there was one reason I was standing for mayor it was to make homelessness history and deliver a right to food. Having lost we need to...
Liam Byrne MP
May 8, 2021
Mayoral result – disappointing but that’s politics!
I stood to be Mayor to make homelessness history and to render foodbanks something of the past; to lead green Britain and bring back...
Liam Byrne MP
Mar 31, 2021
March Roundup
As the vaccine rollout continues across Birmingham we can start to see some light at the end of the tunnel after what has been a truly...
Liam Byrne MP
Feb 28, 2021
High Speed Rail Bridge Consultation
Important information about new High Speed (HS2) bridges at Saltley viaduct and the Aston Church Road I need your help putting forward...
Liam Byrne MP
Oct 7, 2020
Ward End Park Road Safety
Residents have contacted me about speeding traffic on Ward End Park Road. So I’m asking for your help. Please fill in the survey below...
Liam Byrne MP
May 17, 2019
Mayor’s Local Industrial Strategy A Missed Opportunity for West Midlands Green New Deal
Liam Byrne will today say the Tory Mayor of the West Midlands has missed a huge opportunity to declare a Climate Emergency and put in...
Liam Byrne MP
May 15, 2019
Dear James, please pay us what we’re owed
Dear James, Please pay over the money agreed for house building. We have a housing and homelessness crisis in our region. Homelessness...
Liam Byrne MP
May 8, 2019
The State of Economic Justice in Birmingham and the Black Country
Birmingham and the Black Country falling behind the rest of England on key economic indicators Birmingham and the Black Country (the...
Liam Byrne MP
Aug 30, 2018
Bill of Data Rights – Speech in committee stage of the Data Protection Bill
Let me start with the argument for a Bill of Data Rights. Every so often we have to try to democratise both progress and protections. In...
Liam Byrne MP
Jul 31, 2018
Labour Digital Infrastructure Paper
We want Britain to be the world’s leading digital economy – and that means we need world-leading digital infrastructure. Providing the...
Liam Byrne MP
Jul 31, 2018
Fixing Buffering Britain: Labour’s Infrastructure Promise
Liam Byrne MP
Jul 10, 2018
Ayes to the Left Podcast: The Collapse of the Centre Left
Across Europe the centre left is in trouble. Of the 28 EU states only six have a left-wing government and most of those are minority...
Liam Byrne MP
Jul 10, 2018
The Rules Based Order Meets the New Silk Road: Britain and China in the 21st Century
Speech to Bath University, Monday 2nd July 2018 Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP DOWNLOAD HERE Thank you very much for inviting me to speak...
Liam Byrne MP
Jul 9, 2018
East Birmingham’s Potential – Peter Brett Associates report
Read Peter Brett associates’ report on the baseline conditions of East Birmingham and North Solihull and the untapped potential in place....
Liam Byrne MP
Jun 20, 2018
Open letter to Commissioner Cressida Dick
[embeddoc url=”/sites/default/files/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Open-letter-to-Cressida-Dick.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]...
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