So, my first Question Time this week. Great fun. Not only do you get to meet truly famous people like the fantastic Monty Don (who made my wife’s day by kindly autographing my blue Question Time note paper) but lots of people email you views and arguments straight after. One lady told me she was rejoining the Labour Party! But my favourite email was from Tony Landeg, the former chairman of Stechford Conservative Association in the 1960s and 70s. He claimed I was too honest to get promoted any further and had some fantastic anecdotes of campaigning in the ward in the days of Roy Jenkins; the excitement of the count, the Young Conservatives plastering posters on the top of bus-stops (for those on the top deck of a double decker bus) and indeed over ‘the Labour’s’ committee-rooms. And the Liberals who took themselves too seriously to enjoy anything (any change there?). It reminded me passion in politics is a much under-rated virtue.
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