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£100 million for social enterprise jobs

This morning we’re announcing our third major package of measures this week, to back Britain’s fabulous social enterprises – those great British businesses which put good values to good effect. We want to see social enterprise play a much bigger role in delivering public services, starting new businesses – and creating new jobs. You can find all the announcements here.

Today, we’re announcing £100 million for social enterprises to help young people find work. It follows our big summit with social enterprise leaders yesterday which brought the sector together with me, Peter Mandelson, James Purnell and Hazel Blears. Today’s plan is part of our £1 billion investment to create 150,000 jobs. They sound like big numbers – but behind them is a very basic principle; we’ve not going to let British workers get stuck on the scrap-heap like the 1980s. We going to invest through this recession in getting people back to work.


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