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Liam Byrne MP
Dec 12, 2017
Comment: Can allowing policy suggestions online change the way we think about democracy?
In the battle for votes, cyberspace is now almost as important as the doorstep as the place where elections are won. And that’s why it’s...
Liam Byrne MP
Dec 12, 2017
Comment: Teletext Tories unqualified to lead Brexit Britain through digital era
It was over 50 years ago that Harold Wilson laid bare a great political truth: the Tories don’t get the future. Back in 1964, Wilson...
Liam Byrne MP
Dec 11, 2017
Research: The places hit hardest by Brexit are the least equipped to prosper in the digital economy
The places hit hardest by Brexit are the least equipped to prosper in the digital economy, according to research I commissioned from the...
Liam Byrne MP
Dec 11, 2017
Comment: Labour will make Britain a great digital power: here’s how
So the facts are in. The Tories have given us a recovery that is worse than the one in the 1930s that followed the Great Depression. And...
Liam Byrne MP
Dec 11, 2017
Research: Britain’s Digital Future
How does the UK become the world’s most advanced digital society? In my first keynote speech since becoming Shadow Digital Minister, I...
Liam Byrne MP
Dec 5, 2017
Research: What was donated to the Leave campaigns during the EU referendum?
For those who take an interest in these things, here’s the data on the donations to the various Leave campaigns prepared for me by the...
Liam Byrne MP
Nov 21, 2017
Speech: Labour’s Digital Jobs Revolution
Labour’s Digital Jobs Revolution Remarks to the Parliament & Internet Conference: Parliament and the Internet Welcome. Now, it used to...
Liam Byrne MP
Oct 10, 2017
Speech: We need the lessons of our history now more than ever before
“We need the lessons of our history now more than ever before”Launch of Dragons: Ten Entrepreneurs Who Built Britain Rt Hon. Liam...
Liam Byrne MP
Jul 20, 2017
Comment: How Labour Takes on the Crisis of Englishness – Guardian July 2017
My comment piece to mark the launch of the English Labour Network can be found here. Identity is one of the most powerful forces in...
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