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1. Do you think the country is going in the right direction?
2. Do you have any conerns about the following public services?

3. Which of the folowing Labour plans do you support?

Labour plans to create Great British energy, a new, publicly- owned clean energy company to cut energy bills & make our energy supply independent
Labour plans to drive down NHS waiting times by ensuring 2 million extra operations, scans & appointments in the first year paid for by abolishing the non-dom tax loophole for the very wealthy.
Labour plans for 13,000 more neighbourhood police & PCSOs
Labour is in favour of breaking down barriers to opportunity, starting with a focus on early years to help parents & give EVERY child the best start in life.
Labour's plan to create thousands of jobs by becoming clean energy superpower, investing in gigafactories, clean steel plants and upgrading thousands of homes
4. If you want to rent or own your own home, we need to build more houses - Labour plans to build 1.5 million homes within 5 years of taking power, do you support this?
5. Which party do you think you will vote for in the next General Election?
What is the likelihood of you supporting the Labour Party? (1 = unlikely; 10 = very likely)

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Promoted by Majid Mahmood on behalf of Liam Byrne, both at 14 Bristol Street, Birmingham, B5 7AA.
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